Prerequisite: This Ecorse is for those who have Dragon Voice Recognition software installed on their PC or are going to obtain a copy it in the near future.
Dragon Naturally Speaking and dictation products have been around for more than 20 years. It is essential to assure your microphone and audio card are high quality and working properly. You want Dragon to work effectively and efficiently. If you do not have a properly working microphone and audio card your voice recognition accuracy will most likely be disappointing.
You have invested in Dragon NaturallySpeaking software. Now make sure your hardware is working correctly. With a little investment of your time, you will be amazed how quickly and accurately you can dictate documents and navigate hands-free on the Internet and across a wide variety of social media and computer programs.
It’s time for you to benefit from the experience of a Dragon Voice Recognition expert user. Dragon Voice Recognition products have allowed me to produce thousands of hands-free documents including a 150 page published print book, The Secret of Difficulties: Four Steps to Turn Tragedies into Opportunities. You can also use Dragon Naturally Speaking software to navigate the Internet and manipulate many software platforms. With a little training you can have a hands-free experience with your computer.
The goal of this eCourse is to share what has worked well so that you can start using Dragon quickly and effectively. These tips will provide you with effective tools to make Dragon Naturally Speaking work for you. This QuickStart course is not an attempt to instruct or educate you on every function and detail of Dragon Naturally Speaking. You have chosen the Seven Step QuickStart version. This version will help you get started quickly and effectively using Dragon Naturally Speaking. If you want more support you can quickly and easily upgrade to the full or middle version of this eCourse.
When you’re ready for more instruction take advantage of the intermediate version with over 30 instructional videos or the Comprehensive version with nearly 60 instructional videos. If you decide to upgrade to a higher version of the eCourse, your purchase can be applied toward the intermediate or full version.
Step 1. Set up Dragon in QuickStart Mode
Step 2. Getting Comfortable Dictating by Reading Interesting Content Into the Microphone
Step 3. Brainstorming Verbally for Speech Recognition Practice
Step 4. Using Punctuation and Spelling With Dragon Voice Recognition
Step 5. Learning to Easily and Quickly Make Corrections
Step 6. Quick and Easy Ways to Move around Your Document Hands-Free