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Bronze Level 7 Step Dragon Voice Recognition Quick Start eCourse

Getting Comfortable Dictating by Reading Interesting Content Into the Microphone

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You can begin getting used to dictating into a microphone by reading directly off the page of a book or other media. You’ll find this is a fantastic way to get comfortable using Dragon. Read a few pages from your favorite book or magazine. This is a wonderful way to catch up on your reading and at the same time become proficient using Dragon Naturally Speaking.

Click the video below to see this tip in action.

Click the video link below if the video above does not play.

5 tip practicing using Dragon naturally speaking reading directly from a page from Charles Fleisher

Click here Now! To upgrade to the Silver Intermediate Course or the Gold Comprehensive Course. You can receive a $9.99 credit when you upgrade.

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Charles Fleisher
The Opportunities Guy
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