Step 1. Set up Dragon in QuickStart Mode
Step 2. Getting Comfortable Dictating by Reading Interesting Content Into the Microphone
Step 3. Brainstorming Verbally for Speech Recognition Practice
Step 4. Using Punctuation and Spelling With Dragon Voice Recognition
Step 5. Learning to Easily and Quickly Make Corrections
Step 6. Quick and Easy Ways to Move around Your Document Hands-Free
Easily and Quickly Making Corrections Using Voice Recognition
Correction Commands:
In this lesson you will begin learning correction commands and how to use them. Dictation is wonderful but it may be frustrating if you do not take the time to learn how to make corrections using Dragon Voice Recognition commands. Use the commands below in a document you create or already have created. Good luck and have fun practicing.
The command “Undo That” allows you to revert back to before the last command you said or thing you typed. This is very powerful. Example: If you accidentally delete a paragraph, sentence, or word etc. You can use the “ Undo That” command and it will revert back to before you deleted it.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click Here to See an Example of How to Use the Command “Undo That”
Using the command”Spell That” allows you to spell letter for letter the last word or phrase you said..
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click Here to See A Video Demo Video Demo Using the Command “Spell That”
Note: The next group of commands involve the word delete and they are extremely powerful. Using the word delete in the following combinations will make your correction and editing skills highly effective. Using the command “Delete” followed by saying any word or phrase in the text will allow you to quickly delete that word or phrase from the text on your screen.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click Here to See a Video Demo of How to Use the Command “Scratch That”.
Saying the command “Delete” followed by a word, group of words or anything on the page will remove whatever you say after you say delete.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click Here to See a Video Example of the Command “Delete “Followed by Any Word in Your Document.
The “Delete Previous Word” command will remove the word before where your cursor is.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
Click here to see the video demo of the command “Delete Previous Word”.
The “Delete Sentence” command will remove the current sentence where the cursor is.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click Here to See Video Demo of the Command “Delete Sentence”.
Using the “Delete Paragraph” command will remove the paragraph closest to where the cursor currently is.
Play the video below to see this command in action.
If the video above does not play click the link below.
Click here to see the demo of the command “Delete Paragraph”.
Correction commands are an important element to making the most of your Dragon Voice Recognition software. Your experience with Dragon may be frustrating if you do not take the time to learn how to use corrections commands. The commands above only the beginning of what you can do with Dragon correction commands.
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