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Bronze Level 7 Step Dragon Voice Recognition Quick Start eCourse

Brainstorming Verbally for Speech Recognition Practice

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Another method to practice using Dragon Naturally Speaking is to brainstorm. Simply start saying everything that comes to mind and try not to stop. It doesn’t have to make sense. As long as the words are coming out correctly on the page.

If you do stop or if you make a mistake, ignore the mistakes at first and keep going. Corrections are important and you will learn how to make corrections in detail later in the e-Course, but for now consider practicing without making corrections.

Click the video below to see this tip in action.

Click the video link below if the video above does not play.

4 tip brainstorming to practice Dragon voice recognition video (1) from Charles Fleisher

Click here Now! To upgrade to the Silver Intermediate Course or the Gold Comprehensive Course. You can receive a $9.99 credit when you upgrade.

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Charles Fleisher
The Opportunities Guy
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